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Pure Truth Conference – Marriage and Divorce Video Download



Jim Schettler

The heartbreak of a divorce is something God never intended any couple to walk through. Unfortunately young people hear very little, if any, Biblical teaching on the subject of marriage and divorce. Dr. Jim Schettler shatters this silence as he talks Biblically and candidly about his experience as a young man growing up in a broken home. He gives Bible solutions for breaking the cycle of divorce and challenges young people and adults to commit to a marriage that is for life. This is part of the purity series released by Ask or Think Ministries and the Pure.Truth.Conference.


Jim Schettler

The heartbreak of a divorce is something God never intended any couple to walk through. Unfortunately young people hear very little, if any, Biblical teaching on the subject of marriage and divorce. Dr. Jim Schettler shatters this silence as he talks Biblically and candidly about his experience as a young man growing up in a broken home. He gives Bible solutions for breaking the cycle of divorce and challenges young people and adults to commit to a marriage that is for life. This is part of the purity series released by Ask or Think Ministries and the Pure.Truth.Conference.

The “Individual” version is intended for private, home use only.
Will you be:

  • Sharing this with a group of 10 or more students?
  • Printing copies of the included notes to hand out?
  • Using this material in a small group?

If so, please purchase the “Group” version of this product. This includes permission to show the videos in a public setting, and distribute the included notes without restriction.

Additional information

Intended Use

Individual, Group


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