Thank You
We are excited to partner with you. Together, we help turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones on people’s journey to Christ. Thank you for helping to reach the World with the TRUTH—that Jesus Christ is our Creator and He can be our Savior.
With your help, the ripple effect of Creation Today can become a tsunami in eternity!
Ways To Give
Financial Transparency
Creation Today has received Candid’s Gold Star rating 8 years in a row and has received their highest level of financial transparency, Platinum, the last two years.

*All donations to Creation Today, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. (CreationToday+ Partnership gifts are tax deductible (minus streaming fees).)
“For me, it wasn’t that evolution made me doubt my own faith—I didn’t have any. Evolution kept me from knowing the truth and building a relationship with the one true creator of the universe! Thank you for opening the door for me to know HIM!”
“Thank you for speaking at the Creation Museum Weekend Event where over 2,000 folks came to tour the Santee Creation Museum (not counting the simulcasts to other museums), more than 3,000 attended the event, and 25 young people became followers of Jesus Christ!”
“The resources we received from Creation Today have revolutionized the way we do ministry!”
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