Infamous Mexican drug lord Mario Armando Ramírez Treviño, commonly referred to as Pelón or X-20, was untouchable. His status as a drug dealer, his family connections, and his reportedly murderous nature lead to his fame. Drug cartels feared him, not because he was physically intimidating, but because his brothers were protective and connected. 

Pelon’s story describes what the Bible claims might be the single most important attitude we can adopt if we want to thrive and flourish as Christians. It’s an attribute that Pelon simply did not possess. You’ll be surprised when you understand what secular studies demonstrate and what New Testament authors have always claimed.

Join Eric Hovind and Cold-Case Homicide Detective, J. Warner Wallace to crack this case and discover how homicide stories confirm biblical truths!

Eric Hovind

Creation TodayPresident

J. Warner Wallace

Cold-Case ChristianityApologist & Homicide Detective

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Highlight Reel (July 2024) | Creation Today Show #382

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