Ken Ham
The Answers books have been powerful tools in equipping believers to share and defend their faith. Now the newest release in this landmark series takes on hot-button topics like climate change, the intelligence of ancient man, the best creation evidences, and many more. Millions of people have walked away from the faith because they sought answers for what seemed a contradiction between Christian belief and scientific teaching. For those who desire a deeper walk and a thriving faith in the face of growing cultural adversity, here are answers to relevant questions our world is asking!
Now, in latest book in the series, you get the important information you need regarding the following topics:
- The truth concerning climate change
- How the Ark could survive all the tsunamis, storms, and upheavals during the Flood
- Evolution being the bloodiest religion ever
- Human and chimp DNA
- The best evidences for a young creation
- Tactics of new Atheists
- The intelligence of ancient man
- Whether there are transitional fossils in the fossil record
- New genetically-modified organisms
- Whether dragons were real
- . . . and many more!
Be more effective in defending scriptural authority and the truth of Genesis as literal history with the latest installment of The New Answers Book Package! Join Ken Ham and more than a dozen other leading creation scientists and authors as they provide concise and exciting answers to some of the most-asked questions of faith in our culture today.
Download: 380 pages
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