Music is such an integral part of our lives. It is important in so many ways. According to my guest on the Creation Today show this week, Ben Everson, if it wasn’t so important, there wouldn’t be so many arguments about it! And these arguments are exactly why I knew that we had to have a show about “Why Music Matters to God” and what He says about it in His Word!
Thankfully, Ben is a good friend of mine and was willing to have a conversation with me about what he refers to as “the four quadrants of music.” So instead of just defining music as either sacred (Christian) or secular, he explains how music can be divided into one of the four categories based on purpose, style, lyrics, intent, etc. This method of understanding music causes us to stop and be more intentional about the songs we listen to. Instead of just automatically categorizing music into Christian (so we can listen to it) and secular (so we can’t listen to it), we can learn to take up our cross daily to seek fellowship with God so He can grant us discernment.
Ultimately, we know that music is part of God’s essence. Ben explains how in Zephaniah 3:17, God rejoices over us with singing. If God is singing, that must mean that music holds a level of importance to Him. And if it’s important to God, it should be important to us! That’s why it is so vital that we understand how we as Christians are supposed to view music. It serves many purposes and we must determine how to use the songs we listen to in a way that glorifies God. Because music is part of who He is, we can use music as a way to know Him better!
There is so much more to this conversation than I could possibly get to in one short blog summary, so you have to watch this full show. Ben is an incredible guy and you don’t want to miss what he has to say!