Jesus – The Most Influential Person in History
By Curt Blattman of Bible Apologetics In December 1999 the cable TV network A&E aired a series called, Biography of the Millennium: 100 People-1000 Years. In the series many famous scholars, politicians and theologians were [...]
Lucy Discovery Plagued by LIES for 50th Anniversary
Dr. Donald Johanson who discovered the famous Lucy skeleton gave false information about the associated footprints, the knee joint, [...]
Would You Die for a Lie?
By Curt Blattman of Bible Apologetics Once Jesus was resurrected from the dead and later made several appearances to [...]
Is Christianity ‘Found Wanting’? A Response to Skeptics
Are Christians wasting their time sharing the gospel with the next generation? In this blog, we respond to a skeptic’s claim that faith is obsolete and explore why the truth of Christianity will always endure. Discover how you can stand firm, proclaim the gospel, and make an eternal impact.