By Curt Blattman of Bible Apologetics

One of the greatest arguments for the existence of God is the human cell. Science is just beginning to unlock some of the mysteries of the cell but these tiny entities, possessing no intelligence, can perform amazingly complex functions in mere nanoseconds that leave our brightest scientists baffled as to their inner workings.

When you were conceived you started your journey in life as a single cell. By the time nine months passed, your original cell at the point of birth had multiplied by a factor of thirty trillion. While science can name the different parts of each type of cell as well as understand something of cellular duplication, it is at a complete loss to describe how your one original cell knew how to form  heart cells and brain cells. Just listen to how apologist Frank Turek describes this amazing mystery: “As if they had minds of their own, your new cells-some of them eventually reproducing in the womb at a rate of more than 100,000 per second-knew where to go and what to do in order to become each of your major organs. How did certain cells “know” to become heart cells, while others “knew” to become brain cells? There is no known material explanation for their goal-directedness.”1

If this were not mysterious enough an even more unfathomable mystery seems to indicate that each cell has foreknowledge of the future. Let me explain. You see your original single cell back at conception not only had an almost limitless amount of knowledge, since it must have been pre-programmed with everything needed to create all thirty trillion of your cells by birth, but also the blueprints to orchestrate the creation of all of your organs and body parts.

But here is where the magic really takes place for you see your original single cell had to know that at a future point in time certain unknown substances, i.e., the nutrients from your mother, would have to be broken down and reformatted into useful tiny substances that could generate the cell multiplication process. Not only that, but the DNA in your cells had to have an incredible storehouse of complex bio-chemical knowledge to orchestrate this entire process. And the only way that your original single cell could be coded with the instructions to perform these incredibly complicated processes on certain unknown future substances is if that cell had foreknowledge. And the only way it could have this foreknowledge is if there is a God who placed it there.

I believe that the more an open-minded scientist examines these mysteries the more he will realize that the evolutionary mantra of nobody times nothing equals everything is a vastly inferior explanation to the origin of life question than the simple biblical statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1).

1 Charlie H. Campbell, Apologetics Quotes (Carlsbad, California: The Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry, 2020), p. 56.