By Curt Blattman of Bible Apologetics
Someone once defined evolution as nobody times nothing equals everything. Now that’s ridiculous! Darwinian evolution is a fantasy theory that is nothing more than secular religion masquerading as science and unfortunately leads to only insignificance and despair. And not only that, it is one of the few religions that has no deity at its core and elevates man as the supreme being in its belief system.
One of the main reasons that evolution leads to great despair is that adherents must believe that you came from nothing and when you die you go back to nothing and somehow during their brief stay on planet earth they must find meaning in between these two states of nothingness.
While there are some evolutionists that belief in a god, (this is called theistic evolution) who used evolution as the means to bring man into existence, the great majority of Darwinian evolutionists are atheists.
Sadly, the atheist who lives his life without a belief in a divine Creator must indeed lead a lonely life. By definition he must believe that he has no soul and no immortality. Since he came into existence by chance, and not divine design, any meaning he finds in life is but a by-product of random occurrences. Even the great mysteries of our universe that cause us to ponder just who we are and why we are here are a closed corridor of thought to those who place God as something that exists only in one’s imagination.
The struggle of life for all of us, without the existence of a rational creative force in the background, makes our journey here on earth a mere exercise in futility. The only reality we all can count on is physical death. For the atheist, he will die, sadly without ever knowing why he was born in the first place.
As Christians, we realize that Scripture, not science, must be the ultimate test of all truth. Since scientific theories and knowledge are constantly changing, I am much more comfortable with using the unchanging nature of the Bible as my lens to test truth. For example, evolutionary scientists tell us that death and struggle over vast periods of time led to man’s existence. However, the Bible tells us in (Romans 5:12) that man’s rebellion (sin) led to death, for we read: “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.” Therefore, the Scriptures clearly show us that death could not be the vehicle, as evolutionists state, that brought man into existence since man was already living before death ever took place. Since the Bible and science can’t both be right on the above point, I cast my lot with the Scriptures.
The Bible clearly teaches that man’s ultimate goal is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Whereas Darwinian evolutionists ultimate goal is to eliminate God altogether and thus do away with moral accountability.
In the last analysis, I will admit, that both the Bible and evolution must be accepted by faith. However, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” (Genesis 1:1), puts us in touch with the God of the universe, and the glorious potential to lead a life full of joy and meaning. The evolutionary mantra of “nobody times nothing equals everything,” on the other hand, leads to the following scenario:
Even the atheist worships a god called self. With no god to believe in he places himself as the supreme person in his universe, and spends the rest of his life searching for a reason for his existence. Searching every pathway, every byway, overturning every stone, examining every philosophy, and experiencing every feeling, as he comes to the end of his journey, the answer he finds is that none exists!