If Beliefs determine Behavior, then what a culture “believes” is of critical importance!  

If you have ever felt the frustration of wondering who’s right about …_______… fill in the blank, then we have a show for you! Navigating the tension between holding strong convictions and respecting others’ differing beliefs can be dicey. How do you offer the truth in love in these situations? And worse, what if you don’t really know who is right, who you can trust? God’s Word says that things are written in the Bible that we may KNOW truth. 

Join seasoned debater, author, and host, Dr. James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries and Eric Hovind for some sage insight on how and why your beliefs affect your behavior!

Eric Hovind

Creation TodayPresident

Dr. James White

Alpha and Omega MinistriesDirector

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Interview with an Atheist | Creation Today Show #327
World Religions: Who’s Right… Islam? | Creation Today Show #335

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