Robert V. Gentry
The Earth was never a hot, molten mass as evolutionists claim! Dr. Gentry proposes that the very existence of the perfectly concentric halos that formed around radioactive elements in igneous rock (granite and other) proves there is no foundation to the evolutionary theory.
Paperback: 363 pages
In his early career, Robert Gentry served as a physicist (B.S., M.S.; University of Florida) in the nuclear/space defense industries and taught college/university math and physics. He then developed an absorbing interest in testing the conventional evolutionary model of Earth’s origin and age, and has dedicated his scientific career to finding answers that could only be obtained through years of investigating fossil traces of an extraordinary type of radioactivity inscribed in Earth’s basement rocks, the granites.
“Robert Gentry is a gifted scientist who ably communicates in this book the significance of his discovery of polonium halos in the earth’s granites. I have the highest respect for his often standing almost alone in proclaiming this evidence in support of a young earth Biblical creation position. And I support his 20-year-old challenge, as yet unmet, to the scientific establishment that it produce in the laboratory even a fist-sized piece of granite, and the subsequent production of a Po-218 halo in it.” – Stanley A. Mumma, Ph.D. (Professor of Architectural Engingeering, Penn State University)
“Considering the heightened interest in scientific evidence for creation and evolution, scientists and students need to acquaint themselves with Robert Gentry’s CREATION’S TINY MYSTERY which speaks to such evidence to evaluate it for themselves. Gentry presents evidence that cannot be ignored by those who wish to do honest research and examine all aspects of the creation-evolution debate.” – Jack J. Blanco (Retired Dean of the School of Religion, Southern Adventist University)
“CREATION’S TINY MYSTERY is a fine documentation of the research of a tenacious, courageous scientist.” –W. Scot Morrow, Ph.D. (Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, Wofford College, South Carolina)
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