Creation Sunday is on February 10th this year!
While secular groups are remembering the birthday of Charles Darwin (b. February 12, 1809), churches around the world are using this opportunity to celebrate their Creator and reach out to the lost in their communities. Here are just a few practical ways your church and your family can join the Creation Celebration!
- Make it a Movie Night with Genesis: Paradise Lost!
- Invite a Creation Speaker to come to your church or group.
- Find an event already planned for your area.
- Print “15 Questions for Evolutionists” and distribute in a public location.
- Wear your favorite Creation T-shirt.
- Engage the culture with tracts about evolution.
- Teach your Sunday School Class a lesson on Dinosaurs and the Bible.
After your outreach or event, please let us know how you chose to celebrate Creation Day. You can post photos on our Facebook page or send a message to: [email protected]. Thank you for helping us reach the culture for our Creator–GOD!
“Beautiful, convincing, exemplary!” —Movie Guide
“Standing for truth, Genesis is raising the bar.” —Alex Kendrick, Director of War Room