The Writing on the Wall: A Call to Proclaim Truth in a Skeptical World
In today’s world of online discourse, it’s not uncommon to encounter comments like this one we recently received in response to our video, Apologetics for the Next Generation. The video is designed to help Christians confidently share the truth of Christianity with Gen Z—a generation hungry for answers in a confusing world. Here’s the comment that sparked this response:
“You lot are wasting your time.
Rationality will eventually win out, over literal interpretation of Iron Age mythology.
Look at the writing on the wall.
Your days are numbered.
You have been measured, weighed, and found wanting.
Time to find a new grift.”
– Jon Hammond
At first glance, comments like this can feel like a discouragement. But as I reflected on Jon’s words, I was reminded that this kind of response is precisely why we do what we do.
The Writing on the Wall
Jon’s reference to the phrase “the writing on the wall” is rich with irony. It originates from the biblical account of Daniel 5, where the Babylonian king Belshazzar mocked the God of Israel. A mysterious hand appeared and wrote a message on the wall: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin. Daniel interpreted the message, which declared that Belshazzar’s kingdom had been measured, found wanting, and would be taken from him. That very night, the prophecy came true.
The lesson? Mocking God and rejecting His truth has serious consequences.
Jon’s words are a reminder that the battle for truth is nothing new. Throughout history, skeptics have declared Christianity irrelevant, outdated, or doomed. Yet, here we are—2,000 years later—proclaiming the same gospel that transformed lives in the first century.
Faith and Rationality Are Not Opposed
Jon’s assertion that “rationality will eventually win out” assumes that faith and reason are incompatible. But the truth is, Christianity has always been grounded in evidence and rational thought. From the design we see in nature to the historical reliability of Scripture, the Christian worldview stands up to scrutiny. It is not a blind leap into the dark but a step into the light of truth.
In fact, many of history’s greatest scientific minds—Newton, Pascal, and Kepler, to name a few—were Christians who believed their study of the natural world glorified the Creator. Christianity provided the foundation for rationality, not the obstacle to it.
Why We Must Persevere
To those who might feel discouraged by comments like Jon’s, let me encourage you: the truth of God’s Word will endure. The same God who sustained His people through persecution, mockery, and doubt throughout history will continue to work in this generation.
Gen Z is searching for purpose, identity, and truth in a culture saturated with confusion and relativism. We have the incredible privilege of pointing them to the God who created them, loves them, and offers them salvation through Jesus Christ.
When faced with opposition, let’s remember Paul’s words in Galatians 6:9:
“Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Partner with Us to Reach the Next Generation
As Christians, we are called to share the hope we have in Christ, no matter how difficult the cultural climate. That’s why we at Creation Today are committed to equipping believers with the tools they need to boldly proclaim the truth.
Would you join us in this mission? By partnering with us, you can help ensure that the next generation has access to resources that defend the faith and share the life-changing message of the gospel. Together, we can make an eternal impact.
Let’s continue to stand firm, speak the truth, and trust that God’s Word will accomplish its purpose. The writing is on the wall, not for the gospel, but for a world that rejects it. Let’s be faithful in proclaiming the good news while there is still time.
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