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God’s Glory: A Journey of Discovery DVD


201 in stock

What shook Eric’s faith to the very core making him question everything he believed—even whether he really knew the God of the Bible? This intimate, personal message by Eric Hovind takes you on a journey into the reality of God Himself. Eric’s most requested message at live events, God’s Glory! has been used to propel many to take an honest look at what they believe about God. Eric invites you to take your first step, or your next step in discovering that EVERYTHING happens for God’s Glory!

DVD: 43 minutes


201 in stock


Eric Hovind

Have you questioned whether God is even real? I did.

I was raised in a Christian home, attended Christian school, and attended Bible college. Then it happened: an unexpected tragedy took me off guard and God did not answer my prayer like I thought He should. I began questioning everything and in the process discovered that I knew a lot about God, but I didn’t really know God. That realization radically changed my life! It was then that I began my quest to truly know the one true God of the Bible.

Having discovered this exciting journey, I would like to invite you to experience a more intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe—GOD. Watch as the heavens declare the glory of God. Then you can understand the divine purpose for which you were created. It’s my prayer that you accept this challenge and be inspired like never before to see God’s Glory!

DVD: 43 minutes

“In this God-glorifying teaching, Eric Hovind opens his very soul, and in an honest way tackles the questions each of us ask about life.”
—Ray Comfort, Living Waters


“I watched God’s Glory! with my wife and five children. Very powerful! There were quite a few tears in the room and a number of “Wow, God!” exclaimed by the end. It even held the attention of our nine and ten-year-old boys.”
—Emeal Zwayne, Living Waters


“Thank you for this inspiring resource! It was truly a blessing to see Eric’s testimony in ‘God’s Glory.’ Although he grew up active in the church, he realized that he was not a Christian and needed to turn to Christ.  There is an epidemic of this same scenario in today’s churches and I pray his testimony will bring others to the same realization.

I had an even deeper connection with his sister’s story. Seeing how God took care of Marlissa after her first husband lost his battle with cancer was very special to me. God took care of me and my family in the same way after my first wife passed away. There was enough similarity in our stories that even though I had never met her, I felt that I knew this sister in Christ!  It is a joy to worship a God that can bring lost ‘Christians’ to Himself and also carry the hurting through these hard times!! WHAT AN AMAZING GOD WE SERVE!!!”

—Shannon from Kentucky

We believe so strongly in the power of this message, that we have made it available as a “tract pack”. For just $30, you can get 10 copies of this DVD to give away to those who need to hear this life-changing message!

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in


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