“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” —Psalm 19:1
Humanism declares the end of all being is the happiness of man. Christianity declares the end of all being is the glory of God.
A debate opponent was requested from every public school and university in the LaGrange area, but the over 50 science teachers and scientists all declined. LaGrange Humanists President, Mike Smith took up Creation Today President, Eric Hovind’s challenge as the two engaged in a riveting discussion of diametrically opposed worldviews. The proposition before the two men was this: “Was the universe created, or did it evolve?”
Eric’s powerful 12-minute opening laid out three claims to defend. Watch as he uses history, science, and logic, to dismantle the humanist worldview and support his claims.
• Science does confirm the Bible!
• Evolution is indeed, a religious worldview!
• Without God, it is impossible to explore scientific study!
DVD: 1 hour 59 minutes