By Curt Blattman of Bible Apologetics

A well-known quote that is often attributed to the famous evangelist, George Whitefield, is “Other men may preach the gospel better than I, but no man can preach a better gospel.”1 While there is some debate in Christian circles whether Whitefield actually said this, the quote itself got me to thinking how awesome a gospel believers in Christ possess. The point this wonderful quote is making is not just that we have a better gospel, but that we have the “best” gospel!

While gospel basically means ”good news,” this is a vast understatement since the gospel is in reality the absolute “greatest news ever known to man.” In life there are many things that we can classify as good news. For example, if you get a promotion at work, get an unexpected check in the mail, or even win the lottery, these would all fall into the class of good news.

However, when it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is something so mind boggling great in this gospel, that when we actually contemplate what is contained in its message, I have no other reaction than to break out into abundant praise, thanksgiving, and worship to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

When one takes the time to analyze what is contained in the gospel it will literally make you leap for joy. To me the gospel is the ultimate rescue mission. Let’s look at our state before we accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that all of us are born dead in our sins and trespasses, are in total rebellion against God, are spiritually dead, can’t, on our own, even seek after Him, and are on a collision course with eternal damnation. Now that my friends is the ultimate in bad news!

But now enter Jesus Christ, with what can only be described as the ultimate in great news – the gospel! Just as the Bible tells us the aforementioned “bad news” the gospel proclaims the following amazing news. When a person accepts Christ, through faith, as their Lord and Savior, the following events occur. First, our entire lifetime of sins are nailed to the cross and not only are we forgiven, but Christ imputes His righteousness to us! Second, as we stay close to Jesus, even amidst the trials of life, we can experience great joy and peace. Third, physical death is no longer to be feared, since it is only a gateway into the realm of eternal life with Christ. Fourth, when we become citizens of heaven and inhabit the new Earth, we not only will have eternal bliss but a glorified body with perfect health. And fifth, we will spend eternity in the presence of the Lord!

In our world today there are many “so called” gospels of good news. Unfortunately, only the gospel found in the Bible, is able to reverse the certain doom that all of mankind, left to their own devices, is headed for. Worldly, man-made religions, the myriad of self-help philosophies, and even the best of human circumstances, can’t prevent our date with certain eternal damnation. Only the gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ can do this. And the great news is that the gospel guarantees us that our names will be indelibly written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Eternity with Jesus awaits us and that my friends is why the gospel is the greatest news ever proclaimed to mankind!

1 Who was George Whitefield? |