Rex Passed Out the T.R.U.T.H. About the Dinosaurs.

While the 3D movie Walking with Dinosaurs received less than favorable reviews from the movie critiques, it proved very successful as a  drawing card for witnessing!

Did you know that Christmas Day is one of the biggest movie days of the year in America? In both 2012 and 2013, movie ticket sales set records at the box office. This, combined with the new 3D movie on Dinosaurs, prompted us to call our local theater and ask if we could bring Rex, our 15 foot-long Tyrannosaurus, to the theater and pass out free DVD’s and creation cards with a URL to view a free online movie,  The TRUTH About Dinosaurs.  With management approval, we passed out hundreds of DVDs and Creation Cards to moviegoers. The TRUTH About Dinosaurs shows dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago as some claim. Dinosaurs have always lived with man because they were created by God in the Garden of Eden right along with the rest of the animals. This important truth remains one of the most pivotal issues of the Creation vs Evolution debate. What a privilege to present the facts and teach people the truth.

While I don’t know how many people attended the new Walking With Dinosaurs 3D, I do know that several hundred now have the TRUTH About Dinosaurs in their hands. Please pray with us that many will come to know the truth because of this Christmas Day outreach.

The fact that so many people go to theaters is one of the reasons  our little ministry decided to take on the largest project we have ever tried to accomplish. Genesis 3D is being created so that we can go to where the people are being impacted and be a light in a dark world. Talk about putting your candle on a lamp stand! The theater is one of the largest lamp stands in the world right now, impacting our culture more than many realize. We would love for you to partner with us as we spread the Gospel through the creation message. Please consider a year end gift to help us make even more of an impact in 2014!


Thank you so much for each of you who already pray with us and partner with us as we seek to spread the Gospel through the Creation message. If you have not seen our year end update and state of the ministry address, please click HERE.

Eric's signature



P.S. Thrilled with the way Rex captured people’s attention, the movie theater manager invited us to bring Rex there anytime we wanted to bring him! Looks like there will be more witnessing opportunities at the theaters coming soon!

If you haven’t shared the Gospel with someone lately, may I suggest simply passing out a DVD that teaches truth and shares the Gospel? It is easy and surprisingly effective at reaching the lost! Here are several Tracts that we would encourage you to use in your personal witnessing.

