Does Tree Ring Dating Disprove the Bible?
Some people claim that tree ring dating can disprove the Bible. They claim trees are older than the date […]
By Eric Hovind|Blog/Article, Creation Bytes|
Some people claim that tree ring dating can disprove the Bible. They claim trees are older than the date […]
By Eric Hovind|Blog/Article, Creation Bytes|
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name
and the inheritance of a great […]
By Eric Hovind|Beginner, Creation Bytes, Videos|
Two people can often look at the same thing and come to opposite conclusions. The Grand […]
By Eric Hovind|Beginner, Creation Bytes, Videos|
There are three main assumptions behind radiometric dating calculations. None of these assumptions are provable. Creationists dispute all three.
By Eric Hovind|Beginner, Creation Bytes, Videos|
God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, because he was trying to offer his own best efforts. God had already shown that only a […]
By Eric Hovind|Beginner, Creation Bytes, Videos|
Genesis is important, because it is at the foundation of every major Christian doctrine. Paul Taylor explains this point, and expands […]
By Eric Hovind|Beginner, Creation Bytes, Videos|
The Giant’s Causeway on the coast of Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom is a geological feature with World Heritage Status. […]