R. Edwin Sherman
Explosive evidence that Bible codes point to the life of Christ!
When Ed Sherman, a mathematician with 30 years of experience, and Nathan Jacobi, an Israeli physicist, set out to debunk claims that there were mysterious codes in the Hebrew Old Testament, they could not have envisioned the startling conclusions they would reach. As Dr. Jacobi, an agnostic Jew, looked for lengthy Hebrew codes about Christ, repeatedly he discovered compelling excerpts from the life of the man from Nazareth.
Time and again Dr. Jacobi found that one-or two-word codes were actually part of much longer encoded sentences that echoed the Gospel accounts. Moreover, these encoded sentences were extensively embedded in two passages most widely regarded as prophecies of the crucifixion of Christ (Isaiah 53 and Psalms 22).
Bible Code Bombshell sets forth startling new evidence that code sequences in Scripture are irrefutable evidence of a Divine hand. In this highly readable book, Sherman offers both skeptics and believers a gold mine of information that will prompt much thinking about the origins of the Bible.
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