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The Great Ice Age DVD


20 in stock

How does the bible make much more sense of what we see and study? Meteorologist and creation science author Michael Oard takes you on a journey through the mountains and plains to look at the evidence, to show that the biblical record much better explains the mysteries of the ice age.

DVD: 97 minutes

20 in stock


In the 1800s scientists began to discover that a massive ice age covered the northern and southern hemispheres, but they denied the facts for years because it went against their evolutionary ideas of slow and gradual processes over millions of years. When they couldn’t deny the evidence any longer, they developed the idea many ice ages over millions of years. With the bible saying our earth is only 6,000 years old, how does the ice age model fit into earth’s history? Secular scientists have over sixty ideas about how the ice age formed and melted, but none fully match the evidence, so it continues to be one of the great mysteries of science. Then there is the unexplained evidence of massive extinctions at the end of the ice age like the woolly mammoths. How do we fit this all into our understanding of biblical earth history?

How does the bible make much more sense of what we see and study? Meteorologist and creation science author Michael Oard takes you on a journey through the mountains and plains to look at the evidence, to show that the biblical record much better explains the mysteries of the ice age. He’ll show the evidence for only one ice age, how the Flood provided the perfect conditions to build one ice age in a matter of 500 – 700 years, and evidence of a quick catastrophic melt off in less than a hundred years. He’ll also explain how the end of the Ice Age explains the mass extinction of the woolly mammoths and that the bible can be trusted as earth’s true history of the past.

The 3-Part DVD Set (on a single DVD) Includes:

  • Session 1 – Introduction to the Ice Age and the Associated Mysteries (35 Minutes)
  • Session 2 – Evidence for the Flood producing One Ice Age (31 Minutes)
  • Session 3 – How one Ice Age explains the Associated Mysteries (34 Minutes)

DVD: 97 minutes

Additional information

Weight 0.19 lbs
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in


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