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The Flood Package

Original price was: $63.80.Current price is: $52.00.

9 in stock

This package is all about Noah’s Flood – Did a world wide flood occur, how were fossils formed, and where does the Ice Age fit in? These questions and many more are addressed in the great resources offered in this package.

This package includes:


9 in stock

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The Global Flood: Unlocking Earth’s Geologic History

John D. Morris

The Global Flood helps to meet a great need today. It is comprehensive. It is aimed at those who are not experts in earth sciences. People everywhere need to understand the true significance of the year-long, mountain-covering Deluge that buried and fossilized trillions of marine and land animals and plants only a few thousand years ago. Over 95 percent of these fossils–even within sedimentary strata seen in the highest mountains of the world–are marine creatures! We don’t need to stretch the creation week of Genesis 1 to allow for this. The fossils were formed after, not before, Adam! Without the enormous hydrodynamic work of the Flood, we could not know this. Now the Christian world has no excuse–if they ever had any–for adding millions and billions of years to earth history.

Paperback: 175 pages

“John D. Morris is a great writer and one which holds your interest throughout the whole reading experience. His logic makes sense and leaves the reader with many thoughts that keep with the reader for long periods leading up to the necessity to get back and read the book all over again. Recommend this book to any reader, open minded or closed.” – Hawaihi


The Great Ice Age DVD

How does the bible make much more sense of what we see and study? Meteorologist and creation science author Michael Oard takes you on a journey through the mountains and plains to look at the evidence, to show that the biblical record much better explains the mysteries of the ice age.

DVD: 97 minutes


Creation Explorers: Tracking the Flood DVD

The Bible records that the earth’s rock surface was shaped catastrophically by the global flood of Noah’s day. Modern geology proposes that the earth’s surface was shaped by millions of years of slow and gradual processes. Which theory is more reasonable?

Join the Creation Explorers, as they cruise, fly and trek into the path of this Ice Age flood, into the Columbia River Gorge.

DVD: 65 mins.


The Ark and the Darkness: Unearthing the Mysteries of Noah’s Flood

Daniel A. Biddle, Ph.D.

How Did People Live to Be Over 900 Years Old Before the Flood? When was Noah’s Flood and How Long Did It Last? How Could All the Animals Fit on the Ark? Answers to questions like these as well as recent discoveries reveal that what many thought was only a myth is actually more terrifying than fiction…

Paperback: 198 pages


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