Open up any social media app on your phone and you will be greeted with countless posts full of arguments, hurt feelings, and negative influences. Sure, you can find positive things there too (like Creation Today!), but the overwhelming majority of content on social media results in comparison, envy, and anger. 

Guys, our children are on these platforms, taking in this content every single day. It’s no wonder we have a mental health crisis in this country when their constant reality is anxiety-inducing content conveniently stored in their back pocket. That’s why for this week’s Creation Today show, I brought on Patti Garibay, the founder of American Heritage Girls, to talk about this growing issue, and how we should address it from a biblical perspective.

Mrs. Garibay says that American Heritage Girls exists at this “Esther moment – for such a time as this.” For years, our girls have been inundated with fear, and it’s eating them up. So the problem facing us is how we combat that fear with truth to raise up a new generation of influential men and women who will serve God in bigger ways than we can imagine.

Although American Heritage Girls are not a one-stop shop solution for mental health issues, they are rooted in principles that serve as a helpful guide on a road towards improved mental health. Mrs. Garibay says reducing the noise of social media, getting outside, setting goals, and serving others all provide a good foundation for children to develop healthy minds. All of these ideas are found in God’s Word, which is the basis for everything American Heritage Girls does.

So what is something we can tangibly do to work towards better mental health in this country? Start by scheduling some time to watch this uplifting and insightful show with your family this week. The lessons shared may just surprise you.