If you’re like me, you might have opened up Instagram on your phone anytime over the past week and a half and been flooded with clips and soundbites of a Liberty University Convocation speaker – one Dr. Rosaria Butterfield. As I scrolled through countless reels, I started to discover why people were so angry at Dr. Butterfield. In a way that can only be described as speaking the truth with the love of Jesus, she had the boldness to stand up against today’s culture of acceptance. 

In a world that tells people to “follow their heart” or “accept yourself just as you are,” Dr. Butterfield says differently. Her story is one of struggle with indwelling sin, fleshly desires, and surrender to the Father. After living a homosexual lifestyle for nearly a decade, Dr. Butterfield came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, and had to make the choice to fight her sinful desires until they were dead. Completely. Not pushed to the side, ignored, or unaddressed. But completely dead and gone from her heart.

She was fighting to get back to God’s design for marriage. One man. One woman. For life. She transformed her mindset from one of victimhood to her sinful homosexual desires, to one that chose daily to drive a nail into those desires until they no longer consumed her heart. And what does she have to show for it? A husband. Children. Grandchildren. Generations of proof of God’s favor upon the life of a woman fully surrendered to Him.

To learn more about Dr. Butterfield’s story and what the Christian response to the lies of our culture should be, check out the resources below:


Purchase Dr. Butterfield’s newest book “Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age” here:

Modern culture is increasingly outspoken against a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman. Even some Christians, swayed by the LGBTQ+ movement, have rejected God’s word on issues of sexuality and gender in favor of popular opinion. In light of these pressures, it’s more important than ever to help women see the truth about who God created them to be.

In this powerful book, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront 5 common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today. Written in the style of a memoir, this book explores Butterfield’s personal battle with these lies—interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology—to help readers see the beauty in biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.